Tuesday, November 28, 2023


i autism

i activist
i educator
i advocate
i volunteer

i teacher
i technician
i troubleshooter
i scientist

i bisexual
i female
i nonbinary
i cis

i sex positive
i polyamorous
i vagina museum staff
i person with vagina

i immigrant
i racialised
i blue hair
i rainbow clothes

i chef
i crochet artist
i sewist
i poet

i friend
i lover
i sister i auntie i catmum

i human
i person
i worthy
i whole

you stranger
you intruder
you authority
you questioner

you assessor
you reporter
you interogator
you glancer

you judge
you jury
you executor
you persecutor

this is a poem about a person with many conditions
a person with many sides and many facets
and like a diamond, a ball, or a five hundred year old cropolite
it is not possible to see all sides at the same time in a snapshot

this is called having four dimensions

is masking a lie
if masking helps to keep them alive
in a world unsafe
a world imposing
a world of judgement
and endless harrassment

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