Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Dark clouds are looming and the rain will pour
Despair creeps up and knocks on the door
Grey sky opens up and rivers swell
tide of hopelessness floods where she dwell

Where once was air now lies water
What once was sweet now tastes bitter
A necklace floats by with a broken clasp
Her dreams escape and flies from her grasp

Will the rain bring mud along with the flood?
Does she pay for her past its price in blood?
Will the water wane and just leave a stain
And she continues to live her life of pain.

1 comment:

TG said...

I like this poem a lot. Very impressive collection you have here *bows deeply.


I'd like to not exist Than to live this life as it is To see suffering all around With no eyelids in pain   Speed run through the stages...